Illustration - Medienmix

Layout_Der_Blick_nach_vorn_Logistik_the way forward_logistics
Detail_Der_Blick_nach_vorn_Logistik_the way forward_logistics
Compact Disc
Layout_Der_Blick_nach_vorn_Logistik_the way forward_logistics
Kompaktkassette - Compact Cassette
beamen_Der_Blick_nach_vorn_Logistik_the way forward_logistics
35 mm Kleinbildfilm - small picture film 35 mm
Kontaktlinsen_lenses_chip_technology _Der_Blick_nach_vorn_Logistik_the way forward_logistics

Mini DV

Tauschen_exchange_Der Blick nach vorn - The way forward

Zip Diskette

RFID Technologie - RFID technology-The way forward-Der_Blick_nach_vorn
Micro SD Card
Der_Blick_nach_vorn_The_way_forward - 3 D Drucken - 3D Printing
VHS Kasette

Titel: Medienmix
Anwendung: Print / Online
Kunde: Freie Arbeit
Technik: Illustrator

Title: Media Mix
Application: Print / Online
Customer: free piece of work
Technology: Illustrator